cylindrospermopsin Water Contaminant Info

Top 10 Water Supplies Contaminated With cylindrospermopsin

City of Parsons.877 µg/L (on 8/21/2018)KS
Windermere Community.41 µg/L (on 10/17/2018)TX
City of Goldthwaite.34 µg/L (on 9/28/2020)TX
Cash SUD.3 µg/L (on 6/4/2019)TX
Sharyland WSC.23 µg/L (on 6/25/2019)TX
Suez Water - Manalapan Knob Hill.2235 µg/L (on 8/14/2018)NJ
Marion County Water District.175 µg/L (on 7/11/2019)KY
City of Grapevine.17 µg/L (on 7/2/2019)TX
City of Livingston.14 µg/L (on 7/2/2019)TX
City of Odessa.11 µg/L (on 3/5/2019)TX