alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane Water Contaminant Info

Top 10 Water Supplies Contaminated With alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane

Paducah Waterworks.067 µg/L (on 1/22/2018)KY
City of Cleburne.031 µg/L (on 1/29/2019)TX
Parker WSD.022 µg/L (on 4/16/2019)CO
City of West Point.022 µg/L (on 10/2/2018)MS
Yorktown Consolidated Water Dist. #1.019 µg/L (on 6/13/2018)NY
Rowan Water, Inc..0178 µg/L (on 11/7/2018)KY
City of Sunnyvale.016 µg/L (on 12/18/2018)CA
Borden Tri-County Region.016 µg/L (on 4/16/2019)IN
Bellevue Waterworks.016 µg/L (on 4/15/2020)WI
Henry County Water & Sewer Authority.015 µg/L (on 5/8/2019)GA